Positive Affirmations are the Positive Statements which can bring miraculous changes in one’s life. These positive statements have the power to drive away negative feelings and bring a person on the positive track.
The key is to sink these affirmations deep into your subconscious mind.
Any thought can sink deep into your subconscious by repetition. There can be many methods for this:
1. Write affirmations on stickers and stick them on your phone , gas stove ,mirror , working desk etc. Whenever, you stand in front of a mirror , use your phone or are standing near your gas stove you are reminded of different affirmations which start sinking deep into your subconscious mind.
2. Pick one affirmation daily and keep mentally repeating it throughout the day during your free time. Keep repeating it during the walk , while waiting for someone, while dusting , while washing the dishes, while preparing food etc. Write the chosen Affirmation 10 times in your diary before going to bed. Next day , choose another affirmation and do the same exercise throughout the day to make it sink deep into your subconscious mind.
3.Blank visiting cards of the size 3c.m.*5c.m. are available in the market and you can write 2-3 affirmations on each card on both the sides .Keep these cards always in your front pocket or purse and use them while waiting for someone , or if you are stuck in the traffic jam etc.
4 . Small spiral pads are also available in the market. Write all your favourite affirmations on this pad and always keep with you eighter in your front pocket or purse and use it read all your affirmations whenever you have spare time. This will help you to sink these affirmations deep into your subconscious mind.
5. Record the Afirmations in your own voice and play the tape while getting ready or while moving in the car. When you hear the affirmations in your own voice, the affirmations are most effective.
Some of the most effective Affirmations are listed below:

As a room is Air Conditioned with the help of an Air Conditioner,so your mind can be “Thought Conditioned” with the help of these Positive Affirmations.
Stuff your mind so much with these affirmations that there is no space left for Negative Thoughts.
Please note that deciding the serial is also very important & I’m sure you’ll take good care of that.
However, once these affirmations sink deep into your subconscious , you can start using these affirmations to reach deep state of Meditation.
Sit with your eyes closed and mentally repeat the affirmations one by one. Soon , you will find yourself enjoying the deep state of Meditation.
Once , you reach the deep level of Meditation , you can visualize the scenes in accordance with the Affirmations. e.g. while mentally repeating the Affirmation “Every Day in every way I’m getting better ,better and better.” Visualise ‘as if’ you you have really become healthier, happier ,wiser and more affluent.
If you keep practicing this exercise regularly, you will find that you are really getting better, better and better.
The same can be true with other Affirmations as well.
Mukul Chaudhri
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